Loan File TrackingCollateral file tracking sounds boring, but lenders can be subject to regulatory action if they do not handle Collateral File tracking and Retention properly. A proper Chain of Custody of all movement of the file or document is critical. Likewise, various federal and state laws will require the lender to archive these documents for specific period of time.

The OPUS Solution…

Thoroughbred Technologies' OPUS iNET or OPUS V5 provides a comprehensive solution for both physical tracking as well as metadata changes, along with user definable retention policies to keep you compliant.

With hundreds of users, OPUS iNET provides a very intuitive interface which minimized the learning curve, especially for the casual user.

OPUS iNET is a web based (IntraNet, not InterNet) solution that is easily available to any personnel that has a web browser. Extensive security will determine the user's ability to perform various functions.

OPUS V5 is a traditional Windows desktop interface and has the same functionality of OPUS iNET and is ideal when there are not as many users.